Saturday, July 26, 2008

I had another yarn accident

I took the kids to Jo-Ann's to get some foam (and I forgot magnets again, dammit!) and ended up having them pick yarn for their winter scarves and hats. They go through a few store bought but I also make 1 for each winter as well. The girl picked some Debbie Mumm clearance yarn and the boy wanted some lion brand chenille business but I talked him out of that and ended up with their big ol skein of acrylic in green. One day they'll appreciate the warmth of wool, but right now it's all about color.

I also bought 6 skeins of Kashmira on clearance for 1.97 each. I think I might be ready to tackle the Plath Cropped Cardigan again. Maybe.

I'm also debating the Ravelympics. I need to decide pretty soon.

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