Monday, July 28, 2008

So I'm giving it another go

The Plath Cropped Cardigan is in the works again. Still going about in the step laddering though. I just like it for some reason. So far so good but I'm taking my chances and knitting it one size larger since the last one was turning out a bit too small.

The Kashmira is pretty springy but at the same time, I don't care too much for the twist. Really doesn't matter in the long run though.

When there is enough of it up, I'll snag a picture.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I had another yarn accident

I took the kids to Jo-Ann's to get some foam (and I forgot magnets again, dammit!) and ended up having them pick yarn for their winter scarves and hats. They go through a few store bought but I also make 1 for each winter as well. The girl picked some Debbie Mumm clearance yarn and the boy wanted some lion brand chenille business but I talked him out of that and ended up with their big ol skein of acrylic in green. One day they'll appreciate the warmth of wool, but right now it's all about color.

I also bought 6 skeins of Kashmira on clearance for 1.97 each. I think I might be ready to tackle the Plath Cropped Cardigan again. Maybe.

I'm also debating the Ravelympics. I need to decide pretty soon.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Prairie Silks

Today I went to get my eyebrows done. There are only two reasons that I usually go to Valpo for business and one is eyebrows while the other is my LYS. So as you can see, these two things often go together. (This also keeps me from only coming home with yarn from the LYS every month-6 weeks)

I came home with the Yarn Harlot 2009 calendar (of course only 5.5 more months until I can use it) and some Prairie Silks yarn by the Brown Sheep Co. I don't usually like silk blends or mohair but considering this is 72% wool, I think I can manage. I think it will become a striped scarf. The turquoise and red will look mighty good together.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Groovy Scarf Stripes

Groovy Scarf Stripes
Originally uploaded by Emmjae
When we went to Chicago, I went to Loopy and picked up this lovely blue cascade 220 to become the final installment on my groovy scarf. Since I have to make 5 of them, I'm splitting them up during some tedious tv watching.

Ugly Scrap Blanket

Ugly Scrap Blanket
Originally uploaded by Emmjae
After commenting to my husband that it is always ugly blankets that survive in our house, I decided to use the acrylic scraps that I'm not giving mom for a blanket. I hate knitting blankets. All those stitches on the needle at once or piecing it all together sends chills up my spine, so I crochet the blankies. So here is my ugly scrap yarn crocheted blankie. Here's hoping it works out well.

Laurel Hill Knitting Needles

I was sent a pair of 10" Forest Palm Laurel Hill Knitting Needles in US size 7 to review (retail $12). I didn't knit any specific project with these, however I took the opportunity to try out multiple stitches with multiple fibers and sizes. I'm normally a circ & dpn girl, but miss Kellim and I talked about the products they carry (and that I wanted them to carry lol) and she encouraged me to try them out and give some feedback (I'd love to have dpn's that looked and felt like this!)

I tried cotton, wool, & bamboo, all with success. Fibers slid along the needles as they should have because they are polished well without becoming too slippery. Decreases such as k2(3)tog went well despite the fact that I wasn't sure the tips were pointy enough. The only time that became an issue was when I did increases such as kfb. And I'm not entirely sure that it can be blamed on needle tip alone. Since I am used to knitting on circular needles, my knitting on straights just isn't as well honed and my movements are far from fluid. I never felt the needles bowing or bending and they were weighted very well. And the aesthetics can't be ignored. These are beautiful needles that make you proud to pull out in public and wonder who is going to compliment them.

After experiencing their handmade needles, I plan to purchase some crochet hooks (3 different varities available) for myself and for gifts this Christmas. (Great shipping rates, I might add are another plus!)

If you'd like to read more about the Laurel Hill Company or check out their items for sale through Crown Distributing please click on the links and read up. Nothing better than an informed purchase.

Monday, July 21, 2008

So much to catch up on!

This week was kind of a busy knitting week & a mini vacation all at once. I decided to make another hat and came up with a fun swirly hat that gives a nice visual from the top when you keep continuing in pattern through the decreases.

Spiral hat

Spiral hat

I also started some handwarmers to go along with the bare beanie and I really, really hope I have enough yarn.

Bare Handwarmers

When we went to Chicago, we went to the Field Museum and of course I had map quested some close LYS. Found Loopy was the closest & E didn't complain at all and even seemed to enjoy looking through the yarn with me. I grabbed some blue 220, and then some green & orange alpaca. My rule is that I have to get something I haven't tried before, so the alpaca was it. I started to feel guilty but didn't. It's been awhile since I've splurged on something new. The orange is becoming the diagonal rib scarf from the Misti Alpaca site and the green will be a matching hat (here's to hoping I have enough for what I want to do!)

Cascade Blue Heathers

Diagonal Rib Scarf

Green Misty Alpaca

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Bare Beanie

The Bare Beanie
Originally uploaded by Emmjae
I love hats. I wear hats and scarves often and generally even when the weather isn't quite appropriate for such things. Personally, I say as long as I remain comfortable while wearing, that is all that matters.

Earlier, I was tired of knitting without much gratification. I've failed miserably at a few attempts of things and while I think it was just lack of patience, it still seemed to damage my little knitting ego. Hence the easy hat. The sock keychains are all finished, but I needed something functional that I could make on my own. It's just a stockinette hat with 2x2 ribbing, but it's all mine down to the hand dyed yarn.

And please excuse the scary eyebrows, I haven't been taking care of them lately, which means another trip to Adele is in order.

Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July

Originally uploaded by Emmjae
I took my knitting with me to the fireworks on Friday. (Well, I took it to the parade too, but didn't get anything done.) I managed to finish a key chain before the show started. The fireworks were kind of a let down compared to last year. They started about 20 minutes earlier than scheduled and the sky hadn't completely darkened yet. You could still see the light from the sun set. They also seemed to be a lot lower than last year, and every burst was caught in the view of power lines. I really don't remember that happening last year. I know I would have voiced disappointment were that the case. We also took the camera and used the fireworks setting thinking that the camera knew best. It didn't. Too long of exposure and way too long for a processing time. We didn't have the steadiest of hands, but E managed to get this picture (I think it was E's) and I love the way the power line and tree seemed to make a face in front of the explosion. I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I swear, I am knitting at least I little bit!

I'm so frustrated with knitting right now. I knit and knit and knit, but it seems like nothing ever gets done (yes, with the exception of the key chains). I'm already thinking about the holiday season. I usually don't knit much for gifts, they just aren't appreciated as well as a hand crafted item should be. However, this year, I think there are a few people that I will definitely knit for since they appreciate what I do. I just can't bog myself down too much in the beginning or it will never get done. I also wanted to make stockings this year, so that's on the plate as well. I just haven't decided what yarn I want to use.

I think I need to buy the Yarn Harlot's new Calendar. And knitpicks has books on sale. Perhaps I need some new things to perk up the imagination.