Saturday, January 05, 2008

I think I'm losing my mind.....and my knitting.

I went through my yarn and my 'knitting corner' today. I have more yarn than I plan to use...well, maybe it's not that there is too much to use, it's just that I don't have use for it...but I just can't let it go. I did manage a paper bag (grocery sized even!) of yarn I plan to give to a friend and the kids. But it pales in comparison with the super sized storage bags full of yarn. I seperated plain old acrylic-worsted weight from the novelty and mixed acrylic from the natural fibers. It's scary. There's a lot I'd actually like to get rid of, but then when I can't afford to buy new yarn I'd be stuck in yarn drought and that is a scary, scary place to be. I also have more knitting needles than one human being needs, but I won't get rid of those. Seems like it's just not right. I can collect needles right? If my husband can have boxes and shelves of superhero and comic book figures why can't I have a stash of knitting needles? Mine take up less space at least.

On to the even more frightening part. I can't find my "my so called scarf" wip. It's been in the second drawer of my knitting cart since before X-mas, patiently waiting for the holiday to be over so it could come back out. It must have gotten tired of waiting because it has disappeared (needles, yarn, project and all). If anyone has seen my lost WIP, please return to owner, no need to get the knitting police involved. I have more of that yarn, but I'd really like to not start over, especially since the needles went with it, and I really like those pointy needles even if they are aluminum.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Hmm, a review?

Troubled waters were hit yesterday in the land of knitting. My 32" knitpicks cable came out of its join. I immediately popped it back in and kept on knitting, but with each stitch the goobery thing kept twisting (though it stayed in the join, gotta give some love). I called last night and with no problem and quick service a replacement is on its way. It took me awhile to get on the Knitpicks bandwagon, but I'm there. I've only placed one order, but it was a pretty good sized one in my opinion, and I have had nothing but pleasant customer service the two times I've phoned them. So what, my cable has a boo boo, shit happens. The important thing is that it is corrected properly without putting anyone out. I feel like that has happened fabulously.

I'm not sure if I ever gave my new Harmony Needles an official review, but I don't really feel like I have to. I've only ever used Boye interchangeables before (they just aren't for me - and that's putting it politely). I love how slick the needles are, yet I don't lose stitches. It's like magic. Knitting magic is my favorite. The cables are everything that everyone has raved about. So far they are at the top of my list. Boy cables are SUPER stiff, Clovers are better, and the SB Quicksilver are pretty nice....unless you've used Knitpick's. As soon as you pop those puppies out of the package they unfurl into a nice straight line and just Gumby their way into whatever shape you need....and then they forget about it. It's fabulously covert and I love it. And one other note, I've never had to retighten my tips, and that's with all the covorting with the afghan I'm making. I think my other X-mas money is going to venture into more yarn and Harmony DPNs.

I also finished the Yarn Harlot's Guide to the Land of Knitting and I really enjoyed it. It's been my bathtub read since Christmas, and hopefully she'll forgive my making her book a bathroom read, but I never take my knitting to the tub.... I'd wholly recommend it (the book, not bathtub knitting) to any knitter, or someone thinking about knitting. I even found myself needing to read excerpts to my husband just so maybe he'd finally 'get it'.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Hats, Socks, and Scarves, OH MY!

For Christmas I received more money, so I've spent a little and have some saved for probably another knitpicks order. I wanted to wait and see how I liked the yarn I purchased from them first (love it!) I returned a couple needles I bought at my LYS and picked up some others for some sock knitting along with some additional colors of yarn I bought during my previous outing. I would say I'm slowly beginning to feel like a yarn snob, but that's not accurate at all. I switch between my wool mix socks and acrylic blanket with ease, it's just that I'm beginning to enjoy wool more and more. The least expensive pure wool I can use is paton's merino. It's not a joy to slide along my fingers, but it doesn't bother them enough to make me stop.


I started knitting "Harry Socks" out of the "Dobby's Socks" section of Charmed Knits. I really never thought I could knit on size 1 needles, but I didn't have any trouble, not even during the cast on and first couple of rounds (and I really, really hate beginning with ribbing). I'm past the heel now, and I can't say I enjoyed the heel of this sock. I've never had any problems with slip stitch heels and one other variety I've tried, but this has the wrap stitches and either I didn't do them right, or it just makes a looser edge. When I was finished I had to pick up 4 extra stitches on each side to make them less gappy. Hopefully either the second sock goes better or I just learn that I don't like that kind of heel. I've never had trouble picking up gusset stitches before, I can always go back to that. I'm still kinda searching for a sock pattern for E. I bought knitpicks Essential for him too in a different colorway, but I can't find a pattern that seems to go up to his size. I think I'm feeling a little too chicken to change one on my own. We'll see how I feel after this pair.

Mr. Nathan's Tea Cozy Crown looks absolutely adorable. I don't think I have ever been more pleased with a hat in my life. As soon as his busy mom gets a happy picture of him, I'll post it. It's cute, he's cute and boy does the whole darn thing just go together so well. I really liked the yarn too. That was probably one of the fastest projects I've done, but had no signs of sloppiness or hurry in it (not that I was in either state of mind).