Saturday, December 13, 2008

Another present done

I've finished A's set, the knitting aspect anyway. I need to hit up the craft store and get some elastic because the ribbing is too broad for her. I also want to get some ribbon to spiffy it up.

I've started making Mike a cabled hat and made the pattern myself so we'll see how it works out when I'm done. I'd like to be able to put up some patterns, but I'll need to test knit again to make sure what I wrote down works.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

I've finished half of A's X-mas present

She really wants socks, but her Christmas list asks for legwarmers and armwarmers. Well, actually it asked for leg & arm wormers but I'll go with what she wants rather than what is said. She also needs a warmer hat, so I've made the hat and started on the legwarmers tonight. I don't have the right dpns (well I do but they're metal) and I gave magic loop another try and didn't like that, so I'm making them flat and seaming them. I'm using the 220 in Country Rose, so that gets a yarn I don't like out of my hair and gets me A's presents without spending any extra cash which is uber rare these days. I probably won't be able to get the fingerless gloves done before xmas, but I'll make them for her before she goes back to school so she can have her whole set.

M wants me to make him a "yarn toy", so I've got to figure out what I can make for him. I'd prefer crochet since it goes faster for me, but I've got to find something a- I can do b- can do quickly and c- that he'll like. I'm sure I can find something if I just sit down and look.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

All the updates and pictures I promised

Tons of stuff to post this time. I'm finished with my planned holiday gifts. Well, some still need to be washed and blocked, but the knitting is done!

Here's Lori's Shrug:
Lori's Shrug

Here's Dale's hat, I had to dye the orange and I screwed up which blue to use, but it's a fun hat nonetheless.

Latest Knitpicks Purchase

Dales almost broncos hat

Sarah's Birthday Scarf:
Sarah's Scarf

This purple yarn is knitpicks gloss in cosmos, which I used for Mom's Shawl:
Latest Knitpicks Purchase

Nathan's Cardigan is coming along nicely. It's not finished, but I preemptively decided it wouldn't be done before Christmas, so hopefully it can be snuck in.
Nathan's Cardigan

I also decided I would throw in some mug cozies for the kids' teachers, mugs still have to be purchased!
Mug Cozy

And I also made my first handspun!
My first handspun

Made myself a Bucket Hat which is the most fabulous thing ever! I wear it all the time and I've never itched once. I'm completely in love with malabrigio. Must buy more when I can!
Better Bucket Hat

I also made my first Thanksgiving meal last week. After 9 years of marriage I finally made a damn turkey.
My first turkey

And I started the shawl for Lori for her wedding gift. I have been busy. Keeps my brain busy so I don't have to think about all the other stressful things. Everyone's brain needs a break sometimes.
Lori's Wedding Gift