Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July

Originally uploaded by Emmjae
I took my knitting with me to the fireworks on Friday. (Well, I took it to the parade too, but didn't get anything done.) I managed to finish a key chain before the show started. The fireworks were kind of a let down compared to last year. They started about 20 minutes earlier than scheduled and the sky hadn't completely darkened yet. You could still see the light from the sun set. They also seemed to be a lot lower than last year, and every burst was caught in the view of power lines. I really don't remember that happening last year. I know I would have voiced disappointment were that the case. We also took the camera and used the fireworks setting thinking that the camera knew best. It didn't. Too long of exposure and way too long for a processing time. We didn't have the steadiest of hands, but E managed to get this picture (I think it was E's) and I love the way the power line and tree seemed to make a face in front of the explosion. I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend!

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