Saturday, June 28, 2008

Teeny Socks are fun!

These wee tiny socks are great fun and super quick to make. I really, really wish big people socks were that fast. I'd have socks for every day of the week, and every outfit I could wear.

The Rav swap seems to be going well so far. I've got two thank you notes & keychains all ready to go out in the mail on Monday for the two people who have gotten their packages to their destination.

I'm still trying to get in the mood to go back to my WIPs, but I'm just not there yet. The wee socks are currently filling my desire for instant gratification, and I do hit a few rows on the groovy scarf each night. I believe I'm currently around the three foot mark, and will be quit happy to mindless make I-Cord when the time comes.

I'm ready to put in an order to the loopy ewe. I sent my wishlist to E, hoping perhaps he'd send a surprise package my way, but I doubt that would happen. He's not inclined to buy me yarn, even though I have non yarn items on my list. I probably shouldn't blame him much considering he walks by my stash any time he goes to the kitchen or bathroom. He did bring me some beautiful gerber daisies home last night. Now I have something pretty to look at while I knit.

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