Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So I just haven't made many stitches.

It's been a hell of a week and I can't imagine that I made too many stitches lately. The only thing I've worked on is a pattern that a member of my rav group is having test knit. I do wish I had a better yarn for it, but it's still turning out nicely and if I could actually get a chance to sit down and knit, I'd have it done in no time.

Friday I chatted online with a far away friend I haven't talked to in awhile and Saturday the kids went to their grandpa's. I got side tracked by a phone call on my way to the yarn store, but it needed to be done and was all good in the long run. Went to a pretty late lunch with E and then we did some shopping and went to the drive in. I think I managed to knit about three rows on the groovy scarf before I got totally side tracked. I don't knit when I've paid to watch a movie, so the knitting remained in the bag for the double feature. We saw Kung Fu Panda (Loved it!) and The Incredible Hulk. Hulk was much better than the one they made 5 years ago and this one will easily transition into the Avengers, which I'm certainly looking forward to. Marvel really has their act together with this movie thing finally.

Sunday we picked up the kids and had lunch at E's dad's place. I think I *might* have knit yet another 3 rows on the groovy scarf, but too much conversation led to me putting my knitting back in the bag.

Yesterday and today I've been running errands and cleaning house (my kids have WAY TOO MANY TOYS!) and getting rid of things we certainly don't need. It's going well, but it's just not leaving me much time to knit. Which brings me to the head scarf I'm test knitting. I started it yesterday, and am well over half way done. Should be done soon, and then I can go back to not getting my regular knitting done. Well, at least until the house it cleaned up and we have way less stuff than we used to.

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