Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Gerda Stole

We seem to have this love hate relationship going on. I don't care for charts, that begins the descent into madness with lace. I can read charts, it is just more difficult for me to not lose my place. I end up with a mad collection of post its, 2 across the bottom of the row I'm working on and then a post it flag for stopping points along that row. This in itself is not the issue. The post its work just fine for what they are supposed to do. I however, still end up losing my place. I only knit on the pattern when the kids are outside, the tv is off, and the dog is sleeping. I don't answer the phone and I make sure that I've gone to restroom and filled my drink (non-alcoholic; friends don't let friends knit drunk). Somehow I've managed to have to frog the pattern 3 times. Granted I don't get too far in, but 20 rows of lace still manages to be quite the time investment for me.

It's a beautiful pattern that I wanted to make for Lori for her wedding. I got a very pale blue in case she wanted to wear it on her day. It's a surprise gift and the wedding isn't even planned yet, but I figure it will still take me that long to make it.

I talked to A about lace for a bit, thinking that I would break down and buy a sampler from Knitpicks, but then I dove in with some beautiful Cashwool from the Loopy Ewe. My cast on sucked, but I got that worked out. Then I had some trouble with only counting on one side of the chart, making the assumption that the two sides were symmetrical when they aren't. Then I got restarted yet again and managed to do the same chart row twice. No big deal. I asked on the forum and it seemed, collectively, that no one would be the wiser. Then I had an extra stitch. I pinned the work out and found, not where I had f'd up, but where I could k2tog without incident. Then after fixing that, I found a dropped stitch. I frogged. I generally enjoy the process and don't get stressed out about minor flaws, but this is a special, special knit for me, and I'd like it to be as close to perfect as possible.

I'm taking yet another leave of absence from the stole. It deserves better than I can seem to give it right now. I even committed some knit adultery and went looking for another pattern, but my heart is so set on that one.

Meanwhile, I still wanted to play with lacy patterns, so I made my own and am currently test knitting it. I thought I'd have it done by last night but just didn't get the time to do it and today I spent my time outside with the laptop and also next door trying to get M to get in their pool. I think I've failed at just about everything today. I don't even have the housework done, but I guess that isn't a total surprise.

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