Friday, June 13, 2008

I didn't knit a single stitch

Yesterday my hands were so swollen and stiff if it was utterly ridiculous. I wear a super thin wedding band because it works better with the swelling I deal with through the year, but yesterday was bad enough that I had to take my ring off for awhile. It was a pretty safe bet that I wasn't going to knit without causing myself some pain, so I took a day away from the needles. It's a total bummer, knitting makes my hands better in the grand scheme of things, but when they're tired from something else (like typing) not even knitting can help me out.

I don't really have much planned for today either, the boy isn't feeling too hot and neither am I. I think I'm going to fix some soup and see what's piled up on the dvr this week. Hopefully I'll get back to the knitting tomorrow. I really need to see a few of these WIPs progress or I'm going to start losing steam.

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