Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Groovy Scarf

WIP2 Groovy Scarf
Originally uploaded by Emmjae
I apologize ahead of time for the piss poor picture. It certainly do this any justice. I use E's antique standing lamp as my main source of lighting in my knitting spot. It's tall, has two bulbs and a huge lampshade that I use as a swift for just about everything (though the Lorna's laces hanks are too huge). Bad thing is that the lampshade is Yellowish (I tried to make a good match for the age of the lamp) and gives very bad light.

The pattern is super easy to memorize, which makes it funny that I paid for something so simple (though I absolutely do not mind supporting designers in their pattern sales; it's the simplicity that makes me giggle). That means that this is a project that I can take with me anywhere without a pattern, without screwing anything up, and I always know where I am without a row counter. Surprisingly it also means that I don't get bored with it because of the variation of hand movements. Totally a good thing.

Unfortunately my colors are boring. That's a sad thing in comparison to the one pictured with the pattern, but those are colors I had on hand in quantity needed, so it'll be the first. I imagine that I will make this in a variety of colors, weights, and maybe fibers. Seems a fun way to enjoy such a funky pattern.

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