Friday, March 16, 2007

So the slippers didn't get done....

The slippers didn't get done in time unfortunately, but the viewing ended up being a day earlier than I thought it would be, so they'll go in the mail with some papers I have to send my aunt.

On the way back home, I stopped to get my mom a book she was trying to locate for a friend and ended up buying myself Stitch N Bitch Nation, I felt like I deserved a little treat. I looked through it today and found confirmation that the other drop stitch scarf I tried to make was wonky. At least I don't feel so crazy now.

I need a better solution for storing my yarn stash. As soon as I transferred it to a new container it was already at the top, so my additional purchases are still sitting in a bag. I'd also like to make them decently accessible but not necessarily in the spot they are now. Later this evening I think I'll lay them all out take some pics and then try to get them packed up better. I'm also hoping to finish the slippers tonight so I can maybe start on something else. The only other thing I have going right now is a needle case that is going take forever since it's just 3 feet of stock that I have to felt.

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