Monday, January 26, 2009

Fevers, video games, and not a whole lot of knitting

Last week I got an earache that was compounded by all the pressure in my sinuses turning my normally black eye all sorts of weird colors (For about 3 or 4 years I've had a perpetual black eye, no one's ever figured out why). I managed to do a little bit of knitting on my clap but have been a little too out of it for hey teach. By thursday night M was acting odd and had a slightly raised temp but was fine Friday morning. By 5 am on Saturday morning he was 103.5 and miserable. Other than a little cough he's fine now but it drained the two days I was feeling better. Yesterday morning I had a sore throat but felt better by late afternoon.....and this morning the boy was all good to go to school but I feel crappy again. Seems my illness is trying to travel down my chest. I have a Dr's appt in the morning so hopefully all will be well soon assuming this isn't one of those things you just have to wait out. In the meantime, I still don't feel like knitting, but have taken solace in Left 4 Dead. In my marriage there isn't anything more romantic than duel weilding guns killing zombies with the one you love. So may clap may be a little stuck at the 5th dropped stitch, but the threat of zombie attack is minimal.

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