Saturday, January 17, 2009

First half of my cabled mittens

First half of my cabled mittens
Originally uploaded by Emmjae
First mitten done! I didn't even get lazy when it was time to do the thumb...usually that's where I suddenly become disinterested but I pushed through. I cast on for the second one last night and when I get my neglected laundry under control I'll hopefully get some work done on it.

As for size, it seems just right even though I didn't do three repeats of a row before around gusset set up time. I wasn't sure which row to repeat so I left it out. I also think I ended up well on the end, the pattern called for rows of the chart that didn't exist so I just started the chart over. Other than not ending up with the right amount of stitches (I somehow had one less) it all went well and I think it is a lovely mitten and I can't wait to wear them as a pair. I found myself laying in bed last night wondering if I should make a scarf and hat to go with if they're still making this color..... I'll have to shop around and see if I can find it when I have the $$. If not maybe a raveler is trying to destash my color.

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