Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A little winter, a little spring....

I think my holiday knitting took a lot out of me. I haven't bought yarn in months and way more months if you count the fact that my last purchase was for Christmas presents. I think it's bummed me a little bit kind of the same way where everything you want to make for dinner is something you'd have to go buy. While I'm sorting out my feelings, I've started a few new projects to take my mind off things (and using the yarns my mom brought from my aunt's goodwill purchases).

I finished the other Better Bucket Hat that I was making for my mom and ended up giving it to my mother in law. I have another hank of the malabrigo I used and don't mind making the hats at all. Plus, my mom's climate is not as chilly as ours so it should get love much sooner.

Mom's Bucket Hat

My Hey, Teach! really hasn't made much progress but I'm looking at it as a spring knit, so I have some time.

Hey, Teach!

Currently, this is my obsession. I really wanted mittens & they'll kind of match my hat in yarn and color, and by golly it'll probably be the only thing I wear this winter that could kind of look like it's meant to go together. I'm a lot further than this today, but haven't pulled the camera out yet.

Malabrigo Cabled Mittens

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