Sunday, February 01, 2009

Kid Socks

So I placed an order at The Loopy Ewe this past week for a new knitting bag and it's absolutely lovely (I'll post some pics later when I get the camera out). I also wanted place an order for some yarn for the kids' socks, but they didn't have what I wanted so I waited (my lys doesn't have any mal either and only the more muted colors of 220). While letting the kids look through yarn tonight they totally picked Cascade 220 (which is what I made our other house socks out of so at least I know my gauge) so I placed another order. I should have let them look before I ordered the bag so I could have included it on my free shipping order, but I was an idiot and totally forgot that kids never pick what you think they will or want them to. We'll just call it an idiot tax this time since it isn't coming out of my yarn budget.

In the end M picked Pesto and A picked Magenta. I think I'll only need one each but I ordered two because I liked the colors together. I'm either color blind or crazy. Not sure which but we'll find out!.

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