Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New yarn coming my way

I've never used Malabrigo before. I feel it in the store and it just doesn't feel as great as other things I've used but people just go crazy for it, so I've ordered some. The Loopy Ewe had some Hiya Hiya 9" circs listed and I know people either love them or hate them and they may not work for socks for me, but they will work for socks for my husband and some other projects I enjoy. However, I didn't want to pay 6 dollar shipping just on needles so I decided to throw some yarn in. I'd love to make a larger purchase, but I try to only use my paypal money, that way it's more like recycling my fiber goodies than purchasing new. That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it!

I promise I'll have the pictures fixed soon. I'm still currently contemplating how I'm going to get my ass load of pictures from my laptop to this computer in the shortest amount of time. If only my laptop had a dvd burner it could go much smoother.

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