Sunday, September 14, 2008

I had to just reorganize what I want to do

Sitting and thinking last night, I decided to put things away and prioritize for the fall knitting season. Here's to hoping it all works out. My house is clean (and even pretty organized) so perhaps I will even get a chance to get holiday knitting done. We can all hope.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I've just lost steam

This week, E was off work and we took this wonderful time to clean house. And I really do mean clean house. I think I've sorted through and washed every article of clothing my children own, gone through every toy that they own, and nearly everything else in our home. Ok, so we didn't hit our room, but that happened not too long ago and it just needs a good clean up at the moment. The boy's 6th birthday is today, and his party is tomorrow so the living room and the kitchen got a good thorough cleaning as well, ok, they aren't quite finished but they will be before anyone gets here. That takes me to the knitting, or well, lack of. I am just so freakin tired of the cardigan that I just can't do it right now. It looks fabulous, it fits, but I'm I just can't bear to work on it anymore. I have other projects to do, a ton in fact, and I also wanted to make some stockings for Christmas. There's so much to knit and just not enough time. And the fact that I don't have a job yet makes me anxious (no extra for the income yet) and happy (means I still have time to knit!).

  • I think the Cardi goes on the back burner, I'll deal with it when I crave it again.
  • The firefighter socks are coming along delightfully. The 9" circ is fabulous with the exception of the join not being as 'perfect' as I've heard. Perhaps I have a funny one or I just have a differing opinion of perfect. Either way I knit quickly enough on them that any negative is outweighed by such a huge positive.
  • I received some ultra alpaca from a Ravelry destash and I'm very excited to make myself a scarf and hat set, but I think that has to wait until I do....
  • The kids hats and scarves. They picked out yarn awhile ago and I just haven't even started. I do also need to find my 12" size 7 circ. It seems to be missing though it shouldn't be far.
  • I also want to make L a skinny bias knit scarf from the red and turq brown sheep yarn
  • I want to get at least one stocking done (I really want 2) before Christmas, but I don't know what yarn (blend or acrylic, they do have to go in storage
  • And I've decided that I'm going to ask for gift certificates for the holidays from KP, TLE, and my LYS, Sheep's Clothing. We usually get GC for the holidays within the family, so it's nice to pick where to. I could really use to stock up on some cascade, and I would like some lace.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I really did get the body done!

I got the body done on my Plath Cardigan . Looks like it's going to fit and all that fun stuff, so my next thing to tackle is the sleeves. I can't honestly say I'm a fan of sleeves. Like to wear them, don't care so much about making them. Shamefully I still have to go and hunt down all my harmony needles and I'm hoping that perhaps my sz 6 12" will help me out because all I have are metal dpns in size 6 (well I have Brittany's but the dog incident, you know) and it's just too slick and heavy for the metal. In the meantime, I've started crocheting Mason an Octopus.

Generally I can't say I've done much besides blankets and scarves. Tunisian crochet scarves were a staple while I lived with my mom and I really only learned that because I wanted to learn how to knit so badly. I've always wanted to learn how to do all the fun amigurumi creatures but figured it was well past my crochet knowledge. Come to find out the Octopus pattern is nothing I don't already know how to do, and in my usual style I still found it necessary to alter. I'm just too damn lazy to figure out how to seam something in crochet and still have it be aesthetically pleasing. (Are there seaming methods in crochet?) I have 7 more legs to go and then "Squiddy" (as Mason has named his Octo) will be all ready to go.

I also started making Erik socks on the Hiya Hiya 9" circs. I like it but I'm also torn because my crampy little fingers get a little grumpy and I've already dropped two stitches (immediately picked up, no worries). It will be interesting and in the long run I do think it will be beneficial to getting them done in a timely manner vs doing them on circs. The man just has ginormous feet.

Pics to come, right now I'm trying to clean house and have a massive overhaul of the kids' rooms. They have too much crap and we have a birthday party in 6 days.

Ok, here's the pictures I owe:

Mason's Squiddy

Erik's Firefighter Sock

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Well, the pictures are on the new computer

They just haven't been fixed on my blog yet because new ones also needed to be added to flickr. It's coming. While it's not like I have a huge blog following, it is a goal that I need to complete. And I really, really want to finish the body of the cardigan by the end of tomorrow. That goal comes first.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

New yarn coming my way

I've never used Malabrigo before. I feel it in the store and it just doesn't feel as great as other things I've used but people just go crazy for it, so I've ordered some. The Loopy Ewe had some Hiya Hiya 9" circs listed and I know people either love them or hate them and they may not work for socks for me, but they will work for socks for my husband and some other projects I enjoy. However, I didn't want to pay 6 dollar shipping just on needles so I decided to throw some yarn in. I'd love to make a larger purchase, but I try to only use my paypal money, that way it's more like recycling my fiber goodies than purchasing new. That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it!

I promise I'll have the pictures fixed soon. I'm still currently contemplating how I'm going to get my ass load of pictures from my laptop to this computer in the shortest amount of time. If only my laptop had a dvd burner it could go much smoother.