Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yay for LYS day!

My lys was having a sale, so I got my butt up to get over there during the early part of the day. I was unaware of the mini-marathon going on through the middle of town, and normally I wouldn't mind walking, but I was a little disoriented with the parking and it was raining. Got there, spent more than I should of. I don't really feel guilty though-but I was shy about telling E how much it was.

I could have waited on the sock yarn I bought at full price, but I really wanted something new and that didn't really take me out of the ball park figure I had set for myself. I bought some Kpppm for socks. I really wanted DIC Smooshy, but they had only 2 colors and neither were what I really wanted. Perhaps for a gift, but I was picking yarn for me. While looking through the yarns I hear some ladies scoffing at paying 20-25 dollars for a pair of socks. I've been there, at one point in time I didn't get it either. Then I made a pair. It was a pair with knitpicks essential (which I would never put down, I love that yarn), but it made me a believer. If I love $7 socks, why wouldn't I pay 20 bucks for a different yarn that I also loved? If you think about it and subtract the entertainment portion of the cost (I mean hours of knitting and in the end, you have socks!), the socks themselves don't end up costing that much. How much would I pay to rent enough movies to go through the hours it costs to knit a sock...a lot. Well, ok, I have netflix, but you see my point. I have hope, she was spending about 45 dollars on yarn for a scarf, perhaps she'll figure it out.

I ended up buying the 2 hanks of KPPPM in a beautiful colorway, 3 skeins of Reynolds Utopia from the clearance bin, some Classic Elite Wool Bam Boo (that's going for some delicates), some wool wash, and got the spring 2007 issue of Interweave Knits. I probably should have bought a couple of issues, they were 40% and I'm sure there are some people out there who would like to pick up a back copy. Maybe I'll go back this week.

I finished the baby jedi sweater last night. It's currently blocking & drying so I will get a picture up later before it gets gift wrapped.

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