Sunday, April 06, 2008

It works! It finally works!

So, as a quick backstory, I bought a sewing machine shortly before my dad died in 2004. Right after my dad died, the sewing machine starting being a jerk and I was told I needed to get a new bobbin case because the tension was off. I've been toting my sewing machine around all these years even though it was barely used and unusable. FF to last night, I went to L's to help her set up her sewing machine as she had only sewn by hand before. It all went without a hitch and I decided that maybe I could try to reconcile with mine. Lo and behold, not using the self-threading aspect of my machine seemed to make the difference. The bobbin case is still a little angry, but so far it hasn't screwed up anything. This means I have reason once again to pick up cool fabrics and make things out of what I already have. I've already made 2 small project pouches (I just need some matching ribbon), and I have so much fabric waiting to become something. I'll post some pics once I get ribbon.

On the knitting front, I bought beads for the mother's day scarves and cute spring baskets to put them in. I can't decide if I should go ahead and start and get it done, or if I should wait until the Jedi sweater is done. And I should be getting a package in the mail soon with some Rav destash yarn... and my LYS is having a fabulous sounding sale in a couple weeks. If I have some extra cash (which is laughable, right?) I might try to take advantage and see if I can get some things going to open an etsy shop. I'd love to be able to make some extra cash with my craft, who wouldn't?

I'll also get up pictures of my newest hand-dyed yarn. It's absolutely gorgeous, it looks like color just dripped off of fall leaves and onto my yarn.

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