Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've been a good knitter, but a horrible blogger

In fact, I'm honestly surprised that I've done this well at all. Blogging has never been in my nature and I only have a twitter account to see Casey's updates. I've been chugging along trying to get Christmas knitting done because it's going to be a hell of a tight holiday with things the way they are and the way they seem to be tanking around us. Everyone seems to be getting laid off which certainly isn't helping me find a job considering the last time I had one was four years ago. I don't seem to be too employable at the moment.

That being said, I'm still diligently working on Nathan's Cardigan. I really want to get it done before Christmas, but it's at the end of the list because Nathan's mommy knows my knitting list and will be happy to accept it even if it's not under the tree on the 25th.

I'm also working on a shawl for my mom made from Knitpicks Gloss Sock Yarn in Cosmos. It's just a plain garter stitch triangular shawl, but I do plan on running ribbon through the eyelets along the increases to make it prettier. I'm making her boyfriend a striped hat, like last year, but in the team colors he likes. I had to dye the "pumpkin" color to make it more orange-y (it was a darker paler orange) and it didn't take too well, so I'm going to have to give it another go tomorrow. The original color in the yarn came out some in the water, which I've never had a knitpicks yarn do, but I don't know if that affected anything at all.

I'm making my mother in law a shrug and am really keeping my fingers crossed that I can do both sides the same as I made some changes to the pattern. It is quite beautiful and I really want it to work out.

I also started a scarf for my sister in law, not necessarily a Christmas present, but I thought it would be something she would like and she does have a birthday just 5 days after Christmas.

I will hopefully get some pictures up soon. I've been lazy with the camera since my kitchen is kind of a wreck and that's where I get the best lighting. Once I give the batteries a charge tomorrow and get my counters all back in order, I have a lot of making up to do.

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